What People Are Saying

“My first grader had to learn her 3 & 4 times table sets over the weekend when she was still having trouble with double digit subtraction! Yikes!! I was at a loss trying to figure out how to help her understand yet a new math concept when I came up with the idea of creating a song to help her learn multiplication facts. That's how Tappin' Times was born!”

— Jenai Jenkins, PhD Tappin' Times Creator


“Tappin' Times helped me learn my facts faster than almost everyone in my class. Once I learned the songs, I won all of the Around the World games using multiplication facts when I played against my classmates.” 

— Victoria, 9 year old

“Singing the Tappin' Times songs helped me to quickly memorize the multiples for all of the times table sets! I still sing the songs sometimes!”

— Brandon, 17 year old


“Tappin’ Times makes learning math fun! My boys have improved tremendously with their math facts due to Tappin’ Times. The songs are catchy and fun to sing! A must have!”

— Diahna, Parent of a student